Shared knowledge and skills.

Lance Audit

Think Global Sustainability

TGS is a dynamic international business network with expertise in accounting, audit, law and advisory working in 57 countries with more than 4.350 professionals.

TGS Network

Worldwide Excellence

Being a TGS partner means sharing knowledge, skills and values to offer excellent services on a global scale. It means having reached standards adequate to the national and international quality control system.

Sustainable development goals

As members of TGS, we actively participate in the annual quality control program that TGS puts in place to ensure compliance with the best quality standards and promote work practices that respect the United Nations’ global sustainability goals (SDGs).

Global Compact

TGS is a signatory of the
United Nations Global Compact

TGS connects us to professionals worldwide

Lance Audit is an independent member of TGS, an international network of professional business advisors and signatory of United Nations Global Compact. As a separate and independent legal entity to TGS, Lance Audit is solely responsible for the work it carries out and services it provides to its clients. TGS and the other members of the Network are not responsible and have no liability for the acts or omissions of Lance Audit and Lance Audit has no liability for the acts or omissions of other member firms.

Join our World.